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来源:环境能源学院 作者: 管理员 发布时间:2024-11-08 浏览次数: 【字体:




2015.09~2019.06 就读于吉林建筑大学获工学学士学位;

2019.10~2021.09 就读于北九州市立大学获环境工程硕士学位;

2021.10~2024.09 就读于北九州市立大学获环境工程博士学位;

2024.10~至今 浙江广厦建设职业技术大学环境能源学院从事环境工程教学与科研工作。



2023年度   日本科学技术振兴机构(S2023F0800613)(经费约500万日元,参与人):日本资源循环科学—低碳混凝土生产科学学习项目                    

2023年度   日本科学技术振兴机构(S2023F0200072)(经费约573万日元,参与人):为亚洲大学生设计环境未来城市的科学                           

2023.12-至今 2023年碑林区科技计划项目-应用技术研发(GX2339)(经费1.5万人民币,参与人):基于艺工同治理念面向城市更新的碑林区原农村社区民居节能与改造设计策略研究


1)Wang, J., Dai, J., Dewancker, B. J., Gao, W., Liu, Z., & Zhou, Y. (2022). Impact of Situational Environmental Education on Tourist Behavior—A Case Study of Water Culture Ecological Park in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(18), 11388.

2)Wang, J.; Dai, J.; Gao, W.; Yao, X.; Dewancker, B.J.; Gao, J.; Wang, Y.; Zeng, J. Achieving Sustainable Tourism: Analysis of the Impact of Environmental Education on Tourists’ Responsible Behavior. Sustainability 2024, 16, 552.

3)Dai, J., Wang, J., Bart, D., & Gao, W. (2023). The impact of building enclosure type and building orientation on indoor thermal comfort---A case study of Kashgar in China. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 49, 103291.

4)Liu Y, Wang J, Bai W, et al. A Numerical Simulation-Based Adaptation of the Pedestrian-Level Wind Environment in Village Streets: A Case Study on the Chuan Dao Area of the Hanjiang River in Southern Shaanxi[J]. Sustainability, 2024, 16(17): 7597.

5)Zhao, Q., Gao, W., Su, Y., Wang, T., & Wang, J. (2023). How can C&D waste recycling do a carbon emission contribution for construction industry in Japan city?. Energy and Buildings, 298, 113538.

6)Zhou, Y., Gao, W., Kato, T., Yao, W., Shi, C., Wang, J., & Fei, F. (2024). Investigating key factors influencing consumer plastic bag use reduction in Nanjing, China: A comprehensive SEM-ANN analysis. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 181, 395-406.

7)Zhao, Q., Wang, T., Gao, W., Su, Y., Wang, J., & Dai, J. (2024). The synergistic decarbonization potential from construction industry and upstream sectors with a city-scale: A case study of Hangzhou, China. Journal of Cleaner Production.

8)Wang J, Bart D. Study of Constructed Wetland Landscape Planning in Moji[J]. JAILCD, 2020: 449-452.

9)Wang J, Bart D, Liu P. The impact of environmental education on tourists' responsible environmental behavior[J]. JAILCD, 2021: 147-152.

10)Wang J, Bart D, Liu P. The Influence of Responsibility Awareness on Tourists' Responsible Environmental Behavior[J]. Journal of Asian urban environment, 2022: 95-100.

11)Wang J, Bart D, Li M, et al. The Impact of Environmental Education on Tourists' Responsible Environmental Behavior in Seaside Scenic Spots[J]. Journal of Asian urban environment, 2021: 347-352.

12)Wang J, Bart D, Li M, et al. Exploring Tourists' Environmental behavior based on Mental Models: A Case Study of Water Culture Ecological Park in China[J]. JAILCD, 2022: 315-320.

13)Wang J, Bart D, Liu P, et al. A Comprehensive Model of The Psychology of Tourists' Responsible Environmental Behaviors[J]. iSMART: international journal of innovation for sustainable maritime architecture research and technology, 2021: 7-14.










第39届联合国大学全球研讨会(39th UNU Global Seminar)。汇报主题为“Sustainable Agriculture and Food Production: The Way Forward to Ensure Food Security”

第12届亚洲低碳设计学会国际会议(AILCD)。汇报主题为“Vertical Greening and Community Engagement: Exploring Urban Sustainability under the Sixth Industrialization Model in Kitakyushu”

第11届建筑与环境可持续发展国际会议(SuDBE)。汇报主题为“The Influence of Behavioral Reference on Health Behaviors among Office Workers: A TPB-based Analysis”

第10届亚洲低碳设计学会国际会议(AILCD)。汇报主题为“Exploring Tourists' Environmental Behavior based on Mental Models- A Case Study of Water Culture Ecological Park in China”

第19届亚洲城市环境学会国际会议(AIUE)。汇报主题为“The Influence of Responsibility Awareness on Tourists' Responsible Environmental Behavior”

第4届iSMART国际会议。汇报主题为“A comprehensive model of the psychology of tourists’ responsible environmental behaviors”

第18届亚洲城市环境学会国际会议(AIUE)。汇报主题为“The Impact of Environmental Education on Tourists' Responsible Environmental Behavior in Seaside Scenic Spots”

第9届亚洲低碳设计学会国际会议(AILCD)。汇报主题为“The impact of environmental education on tourists' responsible environmental behavior”

第8届亚洲低碳设计学会国际会议(AILCD)。汇报主题为“Study of Constructed Wetland Landscape Planning in Moji”

第14届亚洲城市环境学会国际会议(AIUE)。汇报主题为“Effects of Different Pollution Loads on the Efficiency of Constructed Wetland in Cold Region”
